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近接場光利用によるCO2還元反応の促進 Technical Report
2021, (応用物理学会 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス分科会 会誌、Vol. 32, No. 1, pp.18-21 (2021)).
BibTeX | Tags: CO2 reduction
title = {近接場光利用によるCO2還元反応の促進},
author = {八井崇},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-05-02},
urldate = {2021-05-02},
note = {応用物理学会 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス分科会 会誌、Vol. 32, No. 1, pp.18-21 (2021)},
keywords = {CO2 reduction},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
令和に響く輪島塗 Technical Report
2020, (応用物理、ほっとひといき、第89巻、第2号、pp.109-112).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Wajima-nuri
title = {令和に響く輪島塗},
author = {八井浄、浅岡秀彦、吉田勇太、八井崇},
doi = {10.11470/oubutsu.89.2_109},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-02-05},
urldate = {2020-02-05},
note = {応用物理、ほっとひといき、第89巻、第2号、pp.109-112},
keywords = {Wajima-nuri},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
光励起における「光」の立場 Technical Report
2019, (新学術領域「革新的光物質変換」ニュースレター、第 2 巻、第 11 号).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: CO2 reduction, Non-uniform optical near field
title = {光励起における「光」の立場},
author = {八井崇},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-11-01},
urldate = {2019-11-01},
note = {新学術領域「革新的光物質変換」ニュースレター、第 2 巻、第 11 号},
keywords = {CO2 reduction, Non-uniform optical near field},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
近赤外光を如何に利用するか Technical Report
2019, (CanAppleニュース、第70号).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: CO2 reduction, Non-uniform optical near field
title = {近赤外光を如何に利用するか},
author = {八井崇},
url = {},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-03-08},
urldate = {2019-03-08},
note = {CanAppleニュース、第70号},
keywords = {CO2 reduction, Non-uniform optical near field},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
非一様光場によるサブナノ平滑化 Technical Report
2018, (応用物理、第87巻、第7号、pp.516-520).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Near-field etching, Non-uniform optical near field
title = {非一様光場によるサブナノ平滑化},
author = {八井崇、山口真生、信定克幸},
doi = {10.11470/oubutsu.87.7_516},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-09-26},
urldate = {2018-09-26},
note = {応用物理、第87巻、第7号、pp.516-520},
keywords = {Near-field etching, Non-uniform optical near field},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
超平坦研磨技術 Technical Report
2016, (OPTRONICS, Vol. 35, No. 413, pp.204-207).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Near-field etching
title = {超平坦研磨技術},
author = {八井崇},
url = {},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-05-01},
urldate = {2016-05-01},
note = {OPTRONICS, Vol. 35, No. 413, pp.204-207},
keywords = {Near-field etching},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
Yatsui, Takashi, Jagadish, Chennupati, Lerondel, Gilles
Nanophotonics: Fabrications and Application of Nanoscale Optics to Novel Photonic Devices Technical Report
2014, (Advances in Optical Technologies, Vol. 2015, 609682).
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Near-field effect
title = {Nanophotonics: Fabrications and Application of Nanoscale Optics to Novel Photonic Devices},
author = {Takashi Yatsui and Chennupati Jagadish and Gilles Lerondel},
doi = {10.1155/2015/609682},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-11-27},
abstract = {Nanophotonics is a generic technology that can overcome the deadlock of conventional photonics, in which the size is limited by diffraction limits of light. Based on interdisciplinary studies including condensed-matter physics, optical science, and quantum field theory, nanoscale materials and optical energy transfer at nanoscale have been extensively studied. The recent development on nanoscale optics opens up new concept of nanoscale optical theory, as an example dressed photon theory, and a variety of new phenomena have been investigated. The results of the basic research have been applied to numerous applications, including nanometer-sized photonic devices, nanoscale fabrication techniques, and highly efficient energy conversion. Here, we have invited a few papers that address the above topics.
One paper of this special issue addresses solution searching devices based on the optical near-field energy transfer between quantum dots (QDs). The results shown here indicated the possibility of controlling the spatiotemporal dynamics between multiple QDs, resulting in a higher performance of solution searching devices. Another paper reported the new type of light emitting device (LED) of silicon (Si). Even though Si is an indirect band gap material, they realized Si based LED by introducing dressed photon and phonon (DPP) assisted annealing process. Moreover, the emitting spectrum was controlled by DPP assisted annealing using a short pulse pair. One of the papers also addressed LED but based on GaP, which is also an indirect band gap semiconductor. In this paper, GaP based LED fabricated by DPP assisted annealing process is reported. Such device has unique emitting properties depending on the annealing process. Another paper demonstrated the possibility of high-contrast switching of local surface plasmon using hybrid structure made of metallic nanorods and a phase change material. Additionally, the authors suggested the one-dimensional cellular automata algorithm using metallic nanorod and phase change material. Another paper reported the unique flattening technique made possible thanks to DPP. By using DPP etching, selective flattening of the smallest surface features is made possible, resulting in an angstrom scale ultraflat plastic substrate.},
note = {Advances in Optical Technologies, Vol. 2015, 609682},
keywords = {Near-field effect},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
One paper of this special issue addresses solution searching devices based on the optical near-field energy transfer between quantum dots (QDs). The results shown here indicated the possibility of controlling the spatiotemporal dynamics between multiple QDs, resulting in a higher performance of solution searching devices. Another paper reported the new type of light emitting device (LED) of silicon (Si). Even though Si is an indirect band gap material, they realized Si based LED by introducing dressed photon and phonon (DPP) assisted annealing process. Moreover, the emitting spectrum was controlled by DPP assisted annealing using a short pulse pair. One of the papers also addressed LED but based on GaP, which is also an indirect band gap semiconductor. In this paper, GaP based LED fabricated by DPP assisted annealing process is reported. Such device has unique emitting properties depending on the annealing process. Another paper demonstrated the possibility of high-contrast switching of local surface plasmon using hybrid structure made of metallic nanorods and a phase change material. Additionally, the authors suggested the one-dimensional cellular automata algorithm using metallic nanorod and phase change material. Another paper reported the unique flattening technique made possible thanks to DPP. By using DPP etching, selective flattening of the smallest surface features is made possible, resulting in an angstrom scale ultraflat plastic substrate.
ダイヤモンド半導体特有の負の電子親和力を利用した超高耐圧高効率小型真空パワースイッチの研究開発 Technical Report
2013, (第27回 独創性を拓く先端技術大賞 優秀論文・研究集、pp. 81-90).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Diamond
title = {ダイヤモンド半導体特有の負の電子親和力を利用した超高耐圧高効率小型真空パワースイッチの研究開発},
author = {竹内大輔、小泉聡、八井崇、牧野俊晴、加藤宙光、小倉政彦、大串秀世、大橋弘通、山崎聡},
url = {},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-08-01},
urldate = {2013-08-01},
note = {第27回 独創性を拓く先端技術大賞 優秀論文・研究集、pp. 81-90},
keywords = {Diamond},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
ドレストフォトンナノポリッシングを用いた超平滑加工技術の開発 Technical Report
2013, (レーザ加工学会誌、Vol.20、No.2、pp.130-132).
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Near-field etching
title = {ドレストフォトンナノポリッシングを用いた超平滑加工技術の開発},
author = {八井崇、大津元一},
url = {},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-07-25},
urldate = {2013-07-25},
abstract = {電子デバイス,光学デバイスなどあらゆる先端デバイスにおいて表面平坦化は最重要課題となっている。これは表面の凹凸によって電子や光が散乱し,損失となってしまうためである。本稿では本問題を解決する手法として,従来の機械研磨法に代わる全く新しい手法である,ドレストフォトンナノポリッシングについて解説する。本手法は,非接触加工であるため,凹凸基板に対しても適用可能あること,原理的に原子層オーダーでの平坦化が可能であること,平坦化になると自動的に加工がストップするなど,従来の機械研磨では達成できない利点が数多くある。本稿では,ガラス基板を例にドレストフォトンナノポリッシングについて解説したのち,凹凸形状を持つガラス基板の平坦化,ダイヤモンド基板の平坦化など近年の成果について紹介する。},
note = {レーザ加工学会誌、Vol.20、No.2、pp.130-132},
keywords = {Near-field etching},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
ドレストフォトンナノポリッシングを用いたダイヤモンド超平滑加工技術の開発 Technical Report
2013, (NEW DIAMOND、第110号、Vol.29、No.3、pp.30-31).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Near-field etching
title = {ドレストフォトンナノポリッシングを用いたダイヤモンド超平滑加工技術の開発},
author = {八井崇},
url = {},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-07-25},
urldate = {2013-07-25},
note = {NEW DIAMOND、第110号、Vol.29、No.3、pp.30-31},
keywords = {Near-field etching},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
ドレストフォトンを用いた新産業応用の開拓 Technical Report
2013, (レーザー研究, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp.166-170).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Near-field etching
title = {ドレストフォトンを用いた新産業応用の開拓},
author = {八井崇、大津元一},
url = {},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-03-01},
urldate = {2013-03-01},
note = {レーザー研究, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp.166-170},
keywords = {Near-field etching},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
もし「光ロスが発生しない光学材料」が実用化されたら世の中はどう変わるのか? Technical Report
2012, (MATERIAL STAGE、Vol.12, No.5, pp.1-4).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Near-field etching
title = {もし「光ロスが発生しない光学材料」が実用化されたら世の中はどう変わるのか?},
author = {八井崇、大津元一},
url = {},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-08-01},
urldate = {2012-08-01},
note = {MATERIAL STAGE、Vol.12, No.5, pp.1-4},
keywords = {Near-field etching},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
省エネルギー・レアメタル不要の加工技術 Technical Report
2012, (OPTRONICS、Vol.31、No.363、pp.80-84).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Near-field etching
title = {省エネルギー・レアメタル不要の加工技術},
author = {八井崇、平田和也},
url = {},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-03-01},
urldate = {2012-03-01},
note = {OPTRONICS、Vol.31、No.363、pp.80-84},
keywords = {Near-field etching},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
近接場光カップラの進展 Technical Report
2011, (応用物理, Vol. 80, No. 9, pp.790-793).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic device
title = {近接場光カップラの進展},
author = {八井崇},
doi = {10.11470/oubutsu.80.9_790},
year = {2011},
date = {2011-09-01},
urldate = {2011-09-01},
note = {応用物理, Vol. 80, No. 9, pp.790-793},
keywords = {Nanophotonic device},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
ZnOナノ構造のナノフォトニックデバイスへの応用 Technical Report
2011, (レーザー研究,第39巻,第3号,pp.184-187).
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic device
title = {ZnOナノ構造のナノフォトニックデバイスへの応用},
author = {八井崇、大津元一},
doi = {10.2184/lsj.39.184},
year = {2011},
date = {2011-03-15},
urldate = {2011-03-15},
abstract = {This paper reviews recent progress in nanophotonic devices using optical near-fi eld interaction. ZnO nanocrystallites are potentially ideal components for realizing room-temperature operation of nanophotonic devices because of their high exciton-binding energy and great oscillator strength. To
confi rm this promising optical property in ZnO, we report here the near-fi eld time-resolved spectroscopy of ZnO nanorod double-quantum-well structures (DQWs). We successfully demonstrated switching dynamics by a dipole-forbidden optical energy transfer among resonant exciton states. Furthermore, we developed a self-assembly method that aligns nanometer-sized quantum dots (QDs) into a straight line along which photonic signals can be transmitted by optically near-fi eld effects. ZnO QDs were bound electrostatically to DNA to form a one-dimensional QD chain. The photoluminescence intensity under parallel polarization excitation along the QDs chain was much greater than under perpendicular polarization excitation, indicating an effi cient signal transmission along the QD chain.},
note = {レーザー研究,第39巻,第3号,pp.184-187},
keywords = {Nanophotonic device},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
confi rm this promising optical property in ZnO, we report here the near-fi eld time-resolved spectroscopy of ZnO nanorod double-quantum-well structures (DQWs). We successfully demonstrated switching dynamics by a dipole-forbidden optical energy transfer among resonant exciton states. Furthermore, we developed a self-assembly method that aligns nanometer-sized quantum dots (QDs) into a straight line along which photonic signals can be transmitted by optically near-fi eld effects. ZnO QDs were bound electrostatically to DNA to form a one-dimensional QD chain. The photoluminescence intensity under parallel polarization excitation along the QDs chain was much greater than under perpendicular polarization excitation, indicating an effi cient signal transmission along the QD chain.
近接場光を利用した新しい光励起系によるナノ材料加工技術 Technical Report
2010, (日本写真学会誌,第73巻,第6号,pp. 297-302).
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic fabrication
title = {近接場光を利用した新しい光励起系によるナノ材料加工技術},
author = {八井崇、大津元一},
doi = {10.11454/photogrst.73.297},
year = {2010},
date = {2010-12-01},
urldate = {2010-12-01},
abstract = {本稿では近接場光の本質であるドレスト光子の原理について概説した後,このドレスト光子を用いたナノ加工について解説する.そして,このドレスト光子を利用した加工技術であるナノフォトニクスを用いることで,伝搬光では原理的に不可能な形態の微細光加工の実際について列挙する.},
note = {日本写真学会誌,第73巻,第6号,pp. 297-302},
keywords = {Nanophotonic fabrication},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
ナノ微粒子の進展~材料からデバイスへ Technical Report
2010, (電気学会誌,Vol130,No.12,pp. 805-807).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic fabrication
title = {ナノ微粒子の進展~材料からデバイスへ},
author = {八井崇},
doi = {10.1541/ieejjournal.130.804},
year = {2010},
date = {2010-12-01},
urldate = {2010-12-01},
note = {電気学会誌,Vol130,No.12,pp. 805-807},
keywords = {Nanophotonic fabrication},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
ナノフォトニックデバイス Technical Report
2010, (O plus E,第32巻,第2号,通巻363号,pp. 136-139).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic device
title = {ナノフォトニックデバイス},
author = {八井崇、大津元一},
url = {},
year = {2010},
date = {2010-02-01},
urldate = {2010-02-01},
note = {O plus E,第32巻,第2号,通巻363号,pp. 136-139},
keywords = {Nanophotonic device},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
最近のナノフォトニック加工技術 Technical Report
2009, (光技術コンタクト,第47巻,第11号,通巻552号,pp. 3-9).
BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic fabrication
title = {最近のナノフォトニック加工技術},
author = {八井崇、大津元一},
year = {2009},
date = {2009-11-01},
urldate = {2009-11-01},
note = {光技術コンタクト,第47巻,第11号,通巻552号,pp. 3-9},
keywords = {Nanophotonic fabrication},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
近接場光による自己組織的ナノ光加工技術 Technical Report
2009, (表面科学,Vol. 30,No. 11,pp.614-619).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic fabrication
title = {近接場光による自己組織的ナノ光加工技術},
author = {八井崇},
doi = {10.1380/jsssj.30.614},
year = {2009},
date = {2009-11-01},
urldate = {2009-11-01},
note = {表面科学,Vol. 30,No. 11,pp.614-619},
keywords = {Nanophotonic fabrication},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
川添 忠 大津 元一, 八井 崇
ナノフォトニクス : 物質の衣をまとった光子とそのデバイスへの応用 Technical Report
2008, (レーザー研究、Vol. 36,No. 3,pp.123-127).
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic device
title = {ナノフォトニクス : 物質の衣をまとった光子とそのデバイスへの応用},
author = {大津 元一, 川添 忠, 八井 崇, 野村 航},
doi = {10.2184/lsj.36.3_123},
year = {2008},
date = {2008-03-01},
urldate = {2008-03-01},
abstract = {In order to break the limit of plasmonics, this paper reviews the principles and practices of nanophotonics. Nanophotonics is the technology utilizing the optical near fields to realize novel device, fabrications and systems. The optical near field is the elementary surface excitations on nanometric particles, or, in the other words, the dressed-photon which is the photon carrying the material energy. Nanophotonic devices including logic gates and an optical nano-fountain are demonstrated as the evidence of realizing the qualitative innovation which has been realized due to optical near field interaction between nanomatric particles.},
note = {レーザー研究、Vol. 36,No. 3,pp.123-127},
keywords = {Nanophotonic device},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
近接場相互作用により駆動するナノフォトニックデバイスの進展 Technical Report
2007, (応用物理,Vol. 76,No. 2,pp.160-163).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic device
title = {近接場相互作用により駆動するナノフォトニックデバイスの進展},
author = {八井崇、三宮俊、大津元一},
doi = {},
year = {2007},
date = {2007-02-01},
urldate = {2007-02-01},
note = {応用物理,Vol. 76,No. 2,pp.160-163},
keywords = {Nanophotonic device},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
Yatsui, Takashi, Nomura, Wataru, Ohtsu, Motoichi
Nanodot couplers provide efficient near-field energy transfer Technical Report
2006, (SPIE Newsroom, November issue).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic device, Nanophotonic fabrication
title = {Nanodot couplers provide efficient near-field energy transfer},
author = {Takashi Yatsui and Wataru Nomura and Motoichi Ohtsu},
doi = {10.1117/2.1200610.0427},
year = {2006},
date = {2006-11-02},
note = {SPIE Newsroom, November issue},
keywords = {Nanophotonic device, Nanophotonic fabrication},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
ナノ光デバイスとその製作―近接場光特有の動作と加工技術 Technical Report
2005, (O plus E,Vol. 27,No. 12、pp.1388-1392).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic device, Nanophotonic fabrication
title = {ナノ光デバイスとその製作―近接場光特有の動作と加工技術},
author = {八井崇、大津元一},
url = {},
year = {2005},
date = {2005-12-01},
urldate = {2005-12-01},
journal = {O plus E},
volume = {27},
pages = {1388-1392},
note = {O plus E,Vol. 27,No. 12、pp.1388-1392},
keywords = {Nanophotonic device, Nanophotonic fabrication},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
ナノでマクロを創る:近接場光誘起自己組織的加工法 Technical Report
2005, (工業材料8月号,Vol. 53,No. 8,pp.92-95).
BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic fabrication
title = {ナノでマクロを創る:近接場光誘起自己組織的加工法},
author = {八井崇},
year = {2005},
date = {2005-08-01},
urldate = {2005-08-01},
note = {工業材料8月号,Vol. 53,No. 8,pp.92-95},
keywords = {Nanophotonic fabrication},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
崇, 八井
ナノでナノを創る:寸法制御光加工 Technical Report
2005, (工業材料7月号,Vol. 53,No. 7,pp.86-88).
BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic fabrication
title = {ナノでナノを創る:寸法制御光加工},
author = {八井 崇},
year = {2005},
date = {2005-07-01},
note = {工業材料7月号,Vol. 53,No. 7,pp.86-88},
keywords = {Nanophotonic fabrication},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
光の回折限界を超えるナノフォトニクスとその材料 Technical Report
2005, (工業材料7月号,Vol. 53,No. 7,pp.18-21).
BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic device, Nanophotonic material
title = {光の回折限界を超えるナノフォトニクスとその材料},
author = {大津元一、八井崇、川添忠},
year = {2005},
date = {2005-07-01},
urldate = {2005-07-01},
note = {工業材料7月号,Vol. 53,No. 7,pp.18-21},
keywords = {Nanophotonic device, Nanophotonic material},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
近接場光による微細加工 Technical Report
2005, (精密工学会誌、Vol. 71,No. 3,pp.311-314).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic fabrication
title = {近接場光による微細加工},
author = {八井崇、大津元一},
url = {},
doi = {10.2493/jjspe.71.311},
year = {2005},
date = {2005-03-01},
urldate = {2005-03-01},
note = {精密工学会誌、Vol. 71,No. 3,pp.311-314},
keywords = {Nanophotonic fabrication},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
ナノフォトニクス: 近接場光による寸法・位置制御ナノ光加工 Technical Report
2004, (日本写真学会誌,67巻,3号,pp.281-287).
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic fabrication
title = {ナノフォトニクス: 近接場光による寸法・位置制御ナノ光加工},
author = {八井崇、大津元一},
url = {},
doi = {10.11454/photogrst1964.67.281},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-06-25},
urldate = {2004-06-25},
abstract = {本稿では近接場光とその検出の原理について概説した後,物質問の近接場光のエネルギー移動の特異性について解説する.そして,近接場光 のエネルギー移動 を利用 した加工技術であるナノフォトニクスを用いることで,伝搬光では原理的に不可能な形態の微細光加工の実際 につい て列挙する.
note = {日本写真学会誌,67巻,3号,pp.281-287},
keywords = {Nanophotonic fabrication},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
2003年光学界の進展 7. 近接場光学 Technical Report
2004, (光学, 第33巻,第4号,pp.214-215).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: nanophotonics
title = {2003年光学界の進展 7. 近接場光学},
author = {八井崇},
url = {},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-04-01},
urldate = {2004-04-01},
note = {光学, 第33巻,第4号,pp.214-215},
keywords = {nanophotonics},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
プラズモン・ポラリトンナノ光回路 Technical Report
2004, (光学,第33巻,第3号,pp.174-176).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic device, Plasmon
title = {プラズモン・ポラリトンナノ光回路},
author = {八井崇、野村航、大津元一},
url = {},
year = {2004},
date = {2004-03-01},
urldate = {2004-03-01},
note = {光学,第33巻,第3号,pp.174-176},
keywords = {Nanophotonic device, Plasmon},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}

ナノ光加工:光加工のパラダイムシフト Technical Report
2003, (O plus E,Vol. 25,No. 12,pp.1369-1373).
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic fabrication
title = {ナノ光加工:光加工のパラダイムシフト},
author = {大津元一、八井崇、川添忠},
url = {},
year = {2003},
date = {2003-12-01},
urldate = {2003-12-01},
note = {O plus E,Vol. 25,No. 12,pp.1369-1373},
keywords = {Nanophotonic fabrication},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
近接場光によるナノ構造堆積 Technical Report
2002, (Optronics,No. 251,pp.162-165).
BibTeX | Tags: Nanophotonic fabrication
title = {近接場光によるナノ構造堆積},
author = {八井崇},
year = {2002},
date = {2002-11-01},
urldate = {2002-11-01},
note = {Optronics,No. 251,pp.162-165},
keywords = {Nanophotonic fabrication},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}